About Us

Our mission is to support engineering teams with better balancing individual focused work and teamwork, thereby improving productivity and well-being.


Our team consists of world leaders in developer productivity and well-being.

Dr. André Meyer-Baron


Senior researcher in software developer work and productivity at the Human Aspects of Software Engineering Lab at the University of Zurich.

Former founder of OKOMO and Picturex, former head of Quality Management and Regulatory Affairs at ScanDiags.

Prof. Dr. Thomas Fritz


Associate Professor in human and social aspects of developers' work at the Human Aspects of Software Engineering Lab at the University of Zurich


We are looking for co-founders

Are you excited about research-based solutions to tackle developer productivity and experience? Are you experienced with building a self-sustainable company?

Let's get in touch!

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Our work in the media

Hybrides Arbeiten oder weshalb wir Mitarbeitende nicht zurück ins Büro zwingen sollten [German article]

Hybrides Arbeiten oder weshalb wir Mitarbeitende nicht zurück ins Büro zwingen sollten [German article]

I was recently invited to contribute an article to the alumni magazine of the Department of informatics (of the university of Zurich). In that article, I talk about challenges of hybrid work and give a few concrete pointers towards tackling them, by involving the team. In einer Arbeitswelt die sich

Hybride Arbeit oder alle zurück ins Büro? [German article]

Hybride Arbeit oder alle zurück ins Büro? [German article]

Abraxas, a leader in innovative and secure ICT solutions for Swiss government agencies, recently invited Dr. André Meyer to write an article on how organizations can leverage hybrid work as a market advantage and to better balance focus and teamwork, while at the same time ensuring data privacy and security,

DSI Insights: New Work oder die Balance zwischen Fokusarbeit und Teamwork (German Article)

DSI Insights: New Work oder die Balance zwischen Fokusarbeit und Teamwork (German Article)

This German article was written as a collaboration with the Digital Society Initiative of the University of Zurich and first published on Inside IT, later on UZH News. New Work erlaubt mehr Flexibilität beim Organisieren und Strukturieren der eigenen Arbeit. Dies kann zwar zu erhöhter Produktivität führen, aber die Teamarbeit leidet öfters darunter.