This page lists curated research on developer productivity and experience, focus and flow, self-monitoring and self-reflection, brought to you by the FlowLabs team.
2025: Better Balancing Focused Work and Collaboration in Hybrid Teams by Cultivating the Sharing of Work SchedulesKey Publication
2023: Cultivating a Team Mindset about Productivity with a Nudge: A Field Study in Hybrid Development Teams
2020: Detecting Developers’ Task Switches and Types
2020: Supporting Software Developers’ Focused Work on Window-Based Desktops
2019: Fostering Software Developer Productivity through Awareness Increase and Goal-Setting
2019: Enabling Good Work Habits in Software Developers through Reflective Goal-SettingKey Publication
2019: Fitbit for Developers: Self-Monitoring at Work
2019: Developers’ Diverging Perceptions of Productivity
2019: Reducing Interruptions at Work with FlowLight
2019: Today was a Good Day: The Daily Life of Software DevelopersKey Publication
2018: Design Recommendations for Self-Monitoring in the Workplace: Studies in Software Development
2018: Sensing Interruptibility in the Office: A Field Study on the Use of Biometric and Computer Interaction Sensors
2017: Characterizing Software Developers by Perceptions of Productivity
2017: The Work Life of Developers: Activities, Switches and Perceived Productivity
2017: Reducing Interruptions at Work: A Large-Scale Field Study of FlowLightKey Publication
2014: Software Developers’ Perceptions of Productivity
Blog Articles
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Better Balancing Focused Work and Collaboration in Hybrid Teams by Cultivating the Sharing of Work Schedules
We are thrilled to announce the acceptance of our newest FlowTeams-paper that marks a continuation of our seminal FlowLight-paper. Access the pre-print here. Multi-tasking Craziness in Hybrid Teams A key challenge that knowledge workers in hybrid teams face nowadays revolves around finding a balance between focused work and collaborating with
Hybride Arbeit oder alle zurück ins Büro? [German article]
Abraxas, a leader in innovative and secure ICT solutions for Swiss government agencies, recently invited Dr. André Meyer to write an article on how organizations can leverage hybrid work as a market advantage and to better balance focus and teamwork, while at the same time ensuring data privacy and security,
DSI Insights: New Work oder die Balance zwischen Fokusarbeit und Teamwork (German Article)
This German article was written as a collaboration with the Digital Society Initiative of the University of Zurich and first published on Inside IT, later on UZH News. New Work erlaubt mehr Flexibilität beim Organisieren und Strukturieren der eigenen Arbeit. Dies kann zwar zu erhöhter Produktivität führen, aber die Teamarbeit leidet öfters darunter.