Better Balancing Focused Work and Collaboration in Hybrid Teams by Cultivating the Sharing of Work Schedules

We are thrilled to announce the acceptance of our newest FlowTeams-paper that marks a continuation of our seminal FlowLight-paper. Access the pre-print here. Multi-tasking Craziness in Hybrid Teams A key challenge that knowledge workers in hybrid teams face nowadays revolves around finding a balance between focused work and collaborating with their team to support them. […]

Design Recommendations for Self-Monitoring in the Workplace: Studies in Software Development

I am excited to announce my first paper to the CSCW conference! Abstract: One way to improve the productivity of knowledge workers is to increase their self-awareness about productivity at work through self-monitoring. Yet, little is known about expectations of, the experience with, and the impact of self-monitoring in the workplace. To address this gap, […]

FlowLight: How a Traffic-Light Reduces Interruptions at Work

Update 2022: The new modern hybrid workplace scenarios show that finding a balance between deep work and collaboration is more important than ever. Since we are still receiving strong interest from companies and individuals for using the FlowLight, we revived the project. Learn more here! Original post from 2017: I am extremely happy to announce […]

Cultivating a Team Mindset about Productivity with a Nudge: A Field Study in Hybrid Development Teams

Publication presented at the Conference for Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW’2023). Authors: Thomas Fritz, Alexander Lill, André N. Meyer, Gail C. Murphy, Lauren Howe.Access Publication How does your team help you to be productive? – Answering this question can help workers rethink productivity to embrace the idea that their team contributes to their productivity, rather […]

Sensing Interruptibility in the Office: A Field Study on the Use of Biometric and Computer Interaction Sensors

Knowledge workers experience many interruptions during their work day. Especially when they happen at inopportune moments, interruptions can incur high costs, cause time loss and frustration. Knowing a person’s interruptibility allows optimizing the timing of interruptions and minimize disruption. Recent advances in technology provide the opportunity to collect a wide variety of data on knowledge […]
