We are thrilled to announce the acceptance of our newest FlowTeams-paper that marks a continuation of our seminal FlowLight-paper. Access the pre-print here. Multi-tasking Craziness in Hybrid Teams A key challenge that knowledge workers in hybrid teams face nowadays revolves around finding a balance between focused work and collaborating with their team to support them. […]
Hybride Arbeit oder alle zurück ins Büro? [German article]
Abraxas, a leader in innovative and secure ICT solutions for Swiss government agencies, recently invited Dr. André Meyer to write an article on how organizations can leverage hybrid work as a market advantage and to better balance focus and teamwork, while at the same time ensuring data privacy and security, especially nowadays with the omnipresent […]
DSI Insights: New Work oder die Balance zwischen Fokusarbeit und Teamwork (German Article)
This German article was written as a collaboration with the Digital Society Initiative of the University of Zurich and first published on Inside IT, later on UZH News. New Work erlaubt mehr Flexibilität beim Organisieren und Strukturieren der eigenen Arbeit. Dies kann zwar zu erhöhter Produktivität führen, aber die Teamarbeit leidet öfters darunter. Wie geht das unter einen […]
Enabling Good Work Habits in Software Developers through Reflective Goal-Setting
I am thrilled to announce our most recent paper on how we are helping developers become more productive and enable better work habits through reflective goal-setting. IT was recently accepted to the IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering Journal. Co-Authors: André N. Meyer (University of Zurich), Gail C. Murphy (University of British Columbia), Thomas Zimmermann (Microsoft […]
Book: Rethinking Productivity in Software Engineering
I am proud to have been given the chance to author three chapters in our new productivity book, which is the result from a thought-provoking and discussion-intensive Dagstuhl Seminar in 2017. It was edited by Caitlin Sadowski and Thomas Zimmermann, and is available for free (OpenAccess). In the book, software engineering researchers review and discuss […]
Today was a Good Day: The Daily Life of Software Developers
I am excited to announce that another paper that I’ve worked on during my second internship at Microsoft Research was just accepted to the IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering Journal. Abstract: What is a good workday for a software developer? What is a typical workday? We seek to answer these two questions to learn how […]
Design Recommendations for Self-Monitoring in the Workplace: Studies in Software Development
I am excited to announce my first paper to the CSCW conference! Abstract: One way to improve the productivity of knowledge workers is to increase their self-awareness about productivity at work through self-monitoring. Yet, little is known about expectations of, the experience with, and the impact of self-monitoring in the workplace. To address this gap, […]
Podcast Episode on Developers’ Diverging Perceptions of Productivity
Recently, Abi Noda and I talked about our Book chapter in the ‘Rethinking Productivity in Software Engineering‘ book on our research to better understand software developers’ perceptions of productivity, and how these insights might be applied by managers and team leads in software teams.
FlowLight: How a Traffic-Light Reduces Interruptions at Work
Update 2022: The new modern hybrid workplace scenarios show that finding a balance between deep work and collaboration is more important than ever. Since we are still receiving strong interest from companies and individuals for using the FlowLight, we revived the project. Learn more here! Original post from 2017: I am extremely happy to announce […]
Sensing Interruptibility in the Office: A Field Study on the Use of Biometric and Computer Interaction Sensors
Knowledge workers experience many interruptions during their work day. Especially when they happen at inopportune moments, interruptions can incur high costs, cause time loss and frustration. Knowing a person’s interruptibility allows optimizing the timing of interruptions and minimize disruption. Recent advances in technology provide the opportunity to collect a wide variety of data on knowledge […]